Tuesday, July 14, 2009

LOVE- Shattering Dreams

Why is it,that it pains when a heart breaks,
Why is it,that a person ignores another one,
Why do people fall for love,
knowing or unknowing that it gives happiness to none.
Who is a true lover? What is atrue lover?
Is he Romeo or is she Juliet?
Does defining true love,is to die for someone?
or maybe..its just a smile to sacrifice for it.
"When i say a scenery is beautiful,
I say so,becuse it has a millionth fraction of your beauty,
because for me you are the most beautiful person,
to even match the grace of a deity."
Some say its life more than love,to live with,
some say its just love to die with,
some say its life, just move on,
but all say its worse than death to live life without love in it

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